Friday, May 27, 2011

Random photo dump

of my little love :)

I've been posting a lot about the new baby, but trust me this little dude is still #1 in mommy's eyes right now.  He's going to have to share that spotlight once pumpkin arrives & sometimes it makes me sad.  Like, when we just lay around doing nothing, having tickle fights on and off for hours, then going outside to give the puppies a bath, just because he wants to.  All of this is going to be a little different & he won't have all of me anymore.

I'm trying to soak in all of the mommy-logan time I can right now & that I love.  He is such a special little boy & will be such an amazing big brother!  I know it will all come with bits of jealousy, fighting over toys & more meltdowns than I can imagine.  But in the middle of it all I'm sure understanding, sharing, love & friendship will bloom.  That, I really look forward to!

Logan is so fun these days!  He loves baseball & basketball SO much that he literally woke up Justin this morning at 7:30am asking for "bees ball daddy?!" :)  His vocabulary is through the roof, he knows his ABC's & counts everything!

I'm so proud this little person, his spirit is undeniable & he is pure joy to be around.  Even when we have a terrible two's moment (& you best believe we have those!) I can't help but smile knowing it's all a learning process & through the fits, time-outs & scowls we are both growing.  I smile knowing it's not always going to be about this, that one day he is going to have bigger problems then the fact that he can't have pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks.  I smile & soak it in, that he is little & these sweet little moments will be the things that we talk about when HE has kids (okay, I'm going to stop because I really don't even want to think about that yet, lol).

He has lots of favorites, Elmo, baseball, basketball, coloring, being outside, playing with his puppies, watching Alvin & the Chipmunks, singing songs off the radio in the car with mommy, playdates with his Mimi, Mr. Potato Head, anything to do with daddy, playing at the playground, his Pop, his Nana, his Uncle Kyle & Aunt Natnanee, dear goodness...his darling BFF Christian.  Lots of favorites this little boy has!  I want to remember it all, because one day snuggling with mommy or hanging with daddy isn't going to be near as cool as it is now.

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