Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello, my name is Candace

& I'm a sucky blogger.  We are going on almost a month with no blogging, sorry for those of you who were holding your breath.  I'd normally pinky promise to be better & post more, but who the heck knows what is going to be thrown our way...& I'm not an empty promises type of gal.

Moving on, here is a little bit of the pregnancy update :)

{{ Click HERE to check out what baby pumpkin is doing now! }}

Life is good in the pregnancy region.  I'm feeling great these days!  No more morning sickness & a lot more energy, it's a beautiful thing.  I'm also starting to feel baby move a little, talk about the sweetest feeling ever!  Logan is loving the idea of a "bebe" being in my belly.  He will pull up my shirt & kiss my belly & say "love you baby".

Oh my freaking goodness, did you just melt into a little puddle of mush too?  Isn't that just beyond adorable??  He is going to be the best big brother!  Not to mention how big of a sweetie he already is!

I've gained between 2-3lbs, depending on the day & can TOTALLY tell that I have a bump going on now.  I'm 15 weeks (& 2 days) pregnant today, which is rather exciting.  Only roughly 25 more weeks until baby pumpkin is here (& I'm in total zombie mode for lack of sleep, haha).  I've been taking bump pictures every 1-2 weeks...here is my latest:

15 weeks pregnant with baby #2 {127lbs}

Do you see what I see there??  That my friends is the start of some baby bumpage!!

Here's Logie's latest bump picture :D He's so stinking cute.

We had the pleasure of watching two good friends of our tie the knot this past weekend.  I'm so excited for them & geeze was it a perfect day for a wedding or what?!  Here are some shots of their special day :)

Kristen looked beautiful, the girls looked adorable, Dylan looked calm as ever & it all went really smoothly.  That is, until I blubbered out an emotional speech at their reception dinner, haha.  Oh boy, these pregnancy hormones have me going!  Both Kristen & I were boo-hooing by the end of my 'speech' (that I didn't at all prepare for, so random things like "hi, my name is Candace & that's my husband Justin & son Logan" came out...who the heck introduces them self AND their family in a speech?! THIS girl).

But honestly, we are so happy for them & hopefully one day she will forgive me for my emotional blubbering at her wedding, lol.  Weddings get me anyways, but when it's one of my good friends I'm done for!

So I'll leave you with my favorite (okay, I'm using that word lightly) picture of my little man & I.

He was the life of the party, as if you couldn't tell.  Luckily his lack of nap only hit him for a few minutes & his grump self quickly disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. thought on that last picture....


    2. I'm swooning over that face. if jamesen looked like that when he had the grumps I'd be in love and wouldn't mind him being so grumpy all the dang time!

    3. ummm... we're planning a meet up when you get further in ur pregnancy so i can take photos mkay?
