Wednesday, November 23, 2011

sibling love

It's official, my kids are the cutest things ever.

...even when the bunny is a fuss bucket :)

I don't know if there is anything more precious than a big brothers tootsies squished under a boppy pillow that is holding up his baby sister. 

Nope, Not even puppies, kittens or baby panda bears touch that level of cuteness... and baby panda bears are pretty freaking precious, see

It's fitting that Thanksgiving is tomorrow because I'm feeling the more thankful this year than any other.  I'm married to the most amazing, loving, funny & ridiculously good looking man ever.  I'm fulfilling my dream job as a chef, a teacher, a taxi driver, a maid, a nurse & a professional multi-tasker all wrapped into one: a stay at home mom.    All of our family is happy & healthy.  We have awesome friends, a roof over our heads & food in our bellies.  I have the two sweetest babies ever...

...seriously, check them out.

Yep, so many things to be thankful for!

I'm extra thankful for Logan & Eden, they are so sweet together.  She lights up when she see's him & he is so loving and gentle with her.  I know we have days in our future of "Logan did this" and "Eden said that", but for now their sweetness is blinding me & I want to forever believe that they will always love & respect each other.  Thats right, you won't catch Eden snooping in Logan's room or Logan ripping Eden's Barbie dolls heads off.  Not my kids, no way.

Oh & Logan is ultra-cute now that he is a big brother.

Like, check him out giving Eden eye ball kisses, because we all know eye ball kisses show someone you REALLY care :) 

& snuggling Eden while she was fussy... only by snuggling I mean giving her face a quick sweep with his hair.  I bet she loved that, haha.  He is seriously the coolest, cutest & sweetest big brother I've ever seen.

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