Saturday, August 27, 2011

what up blog, that I haven't posted on in a month.

I think I'm winning on the "who can call themselves out the most for being a sucky blogger" award.

Yes, life is busy.  Yes, I sometimes sort of forget that I should blog.  Yes, I hate when I put it off the long because I have a billion-gazillion things I could blog about but can't choose.  Yes, this is going to be a 'catch up' post on our lives.

Alrighty, lets move on.

In the past month we've:

-had swimming lessons.

-replaced the carpet in what is now Eden's room.
(before) thank you oliver for tearing up the carpet, you scamp!

-finished Logan's big boy room.
(during) notice Logan being impatient? haha.

-done lots & lots of crafts (I'll elaborate in a separate post).

-been cute.

-ate tomatoes off of Logan's tomato plant.

(31+ weeks)

-had a first 'real' haircut.

-went to SC for one of our baby showers.

-welcomed new little loves into the world.
(Douglas Jared Anderson Davis...our friends Kristen & Dylan's new little blue bundle)

I told ya we've been a busy bunch!  

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