Friday, July 1, 2011

and the slacky blogger award goes tooooo...

Well, me of course.

Our lives have been full of fun & joy recently.  With lots of baby girl purchases, my wonderful hubby's birthday & tons of laughs with our little Logan.  I've not only been a slacky blogger, but a semi-slacky picture taker too.  I have however been crafting like a fool for my little love's 2nd birthday party and because I am tickled to death of how it is all coming together I want to share what I've done so far.

We're rocking out the Sesame Street theme.  Logan adores Elmo & although I am NOT into character-anything (especially clothes! ewe.) I thought I would cave on this one to make my sweetie happy.

For starters, here is the invite to the party

Brought to you by the letter L & the number 2, is anything cuter than that?!  A HUGE thank you to Shindig parties who made the invites, thank you notes & tons of awesome printable's for his party.  Check her out, she's rather awesome & super friendly!

I've also tackled some DIY stuff for his party.

$5 at the dollar store got me...

3 ugly trays & 2 ugly candlestick holders.  A lot to be excited about right?

I have been looking for a cute desert tray for the cupcakes & cookies, but I couldn't for the life of me find what I was looking for in our budget.  So what the heck, I'll make one!  I'm pretty sure that when I unloaded my crappy dollar store purchases for my DIY things Justin gets worried about my well-being.  Like, he thinks that we are going to now incorporate ugly glass candlestick holders in the party decor & the food will be served on 3 tacky tin trays.

First things first, you grab your trusty hot glue gun.  I glued one ugly candlestick holder to one tacky tin tray; now Justin is really worried about what direction the party is going.

Check out my awesome hot glue job.  Hideous right?  I never mentioned that I was a queen with a hot glue gun to anyone did I?

So once I glued the candlestick holders to the trays (& they dried) I stacked them so you can get the idea.

then I got out my favorite thing in the world.  Spray paint.  Red spray paint.

I went outside & gave those babies a good two coats & let them dry.

Then stack and add ribbon

voila a desert tray that makes a mama happy. 

I'm rather excited about how it turned out & Justin is rather excited that I am 1.) not incorporating ugly candlestick holders & tacky tin trays into the theme and 2.) that I only spent roughly $5 on the desert tray of awesome-ness.

Ready for more DIY?

If you paused right here & I gave you one minute to guess what the hell was going on in my kitchen with this green tube & a 2 liter of Coke, what would you say?

My first guess would be a stripper pole for a leprechaun.

That was yours too right?

Luckily, we skipped on the leprechaun strippers for the entertainment at his party.  Not so sure how the grandparents would have loved that...or what my explanation would be for having them there.

Here is another little hint as to what is going on with the green pole:

It's all making more since now, right?  Once I wrapped Logan's birthday gifts from us I saved the cardboard tube & painted that sucker green.  I got the sign in the printable kit from Shindig Parties & glued it to some cardboard.

A little duck tape later and...

My little booger has his own personal sesame street sign for his party, that's like royalty in the two year old world.

Here is the rest of my crafting mess, which is currently taking over our dining room table.

what's inside the kid's favors-

Once Upon A Child scores- 2 huge canvas for $8!  No clue where they are going to sit at the party but I'm totally using them.

Well, that's that.  Our house looks like Sesame Street has thrown up in it.  There are crafts going on everywhere.  Logan is constantly trying to steal everything I'm making that has Elmo's face on it  & I'm rather ready to have our house back in order after the party on the 9th.  However, I am very not ready for my little baby to be a big two year old.  I'm going to go cry big hormonal pregnant tears over my baby growing up. Waahhh :(

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