Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cat's outta the bag, the longest post ever.

Whelp, the time has come to let everyone in on our little secret.

Yep, my eggo is preggo with bebe #2.

It was a very welcomed & exciting surprise for Justin & I.  An October baby sounds completely perfect to us, & to my mom especially.  There is a super high likelihood that this little pumpkin could be born on my mom's birthday.  I'm due on October 23rd, mom's birthday is the 24th & I think she would just be tickled pink to get a grand baby for her birthday this year!  (I'll do what I can in your favor momma).

The day I found out went a little like this:
I take one of these things...

& obviously the thing is hella positive.  Yep, Ima bakin' a baby for sure!

So I'm pacing, excited..then I think about how crappy Logan has been sleeping,I'm a little less excited, then I think about Logan becoming a big brother, back to being excited, then I think about needing to fix up our spare room, again less excited.  Ugh, so I call none other than my go-to-gal, my momma.

I love that woman, ya know why?  Because I can always count on her picking up her phone. <insert complete sarcasm>  I guess that is where I get it from, lol.  I swear I called her like 9 times back to back alternating between her cell & house phone.  No answer, sheesh woman I need to talk to you!!

So I text my friend Adi, I had to get it out, lol.

Then FINALLY I get in touch with mom, I tell her the news and she is screaming through the phone with pure excitement!  I'm back to being super pumped about the baby.  Who cares about Logan's crappy sleeping schedule & that I'm going to be even more sleep deprived once pumpkin arrives, or the fact that we have a ton of work to do in both Logan's room & the spare room to prepare for the baby, or the fact that our dog Oakley has been driving me up the wall (not that it pertains at all to the baby, but gosh he's been irking me & for whatever reason I thought about it as soon as that 2nd pink line popped up).  

I'm carrying another little miracle & it's flipping exciting.

I'm thrilled actually.  Completely & utterly thrilled.  A baby, our baby, Logan's little sibling & another little precious bundle of snuggles & personality to add to our family.  A family of four in 2011, sounds like pure heaven!

Now that we are out & everyone knows our sweet little secret & can talk about how I told Justin we were expecting again.  Like I said, it was a pretty big surprise (I affectionately call the baby Houdini for this reason) so I knew I had to tell him in a cute way because his expression would be one in a million!

There are a ton of cute things I could do but the only thing I could think of was doing something with a bun in the oven.  So I got a honeybun & stuck a little sign in it that said "Bun in the Oven" in it & had it in the oven whenever he came home.

I asked him to check on dessert for me & acted like I had to get something out of the bathroom.  I snuck around the corner peeking at him open the oven door to catch his face.  It was complete shock with the cutest "OMG are you serious?! I love you I love you I love you" attached to it.  Perfection!  It was exactly how I hoped he would react.

So it has set in that we are pregnant again.  I'm taking "bump" pictures, I'm thinking baby names, nursery decor, the whole shabang.  I may have even picked up baby Houdini a little something to wear.

It was on sale, cow print & fuzzy...who could turn it down?!  Not this mama!

Ou doctor's appointment was today.  Everything is perfect & little baby is growing right on track.  I'm 9 weeks & 1 day pregnant & due on October 23rd &hearts;  It seems like yesterday that we were doing this for Logan, the prenatal appointments, the baby splurging here and there.  Boy time flies!

Here are our bump pictures.  By our I mean Logan & I.

Me at 9 weeks {starting at 125lbs}

& Logan at 20.75 months old {starting at 24.4 lbs}

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