Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who says

pictures always have to have great lighting to be stinkin' adorable??
I seriously love this bad lit picture of my guys :) swoon!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cat's outta the bag, the longest post ever.

Whelp, the time has come to let everyone in on our little secret.

Yep, my eggo is preggo with bebe #2.

It was a very welcomed & exciting surprise for Justin & I.  An October baby sounds completely perfect to us, & to my mom especially.  There is a super high likelihood that this little pumpkin could be born on my mom's birthday.  I'm due on October 23rd, mom's birthday is the 24th & I think she would just be tickled pink to get a grand baby for her birthday this year!  (I'll do what I can in your favor momma).

The day I found out went a little like this:
I take one of these things...

& obviously the thing is hella positive.  Yep, Ima bakin' a baby for sure!

So I'm pacing, excited..then I think about how crappy Logan has been sleeping,I'm a little less excited, then I think about Logan becoming a big brother, back to being excited, then I think about needing to fix up our spare room, again less excited.  Ugh, so I call none other than my go-to-gal, my momma.

I love that woman, ya know why?  Because I can always count on her picking up her phone. <insert complete sarcasm>  I guess that is where I get it from, lol.  I swear I called her like 9 times back to back alternating between her cell & house phone.  No answer, sheesh woman I need to talk to you!!

So I text my friend Adi, I had to get it out, lol.

Then FINALLY I get in touch with mom, I tell her the news and she is screaming through the phone with pure excitement!  I'm back to being super pumped about the baby.  Who cares about Logan's crappy sleeping schedule & that I'm going to be even more sleep deprived once pumpkin arrives, or the fact that we have a ton of work to do in both Logan's room & the spare room to prepare for the baby, or the fact that our dog Oakley has been driving me up the wall (not that it pertains at all to the baby, but gosh he's been irking me & for whatever reason I thought about it as soon as that 2nd pink line popped up).  

I'm carrying another little miracle & it's flipping exciting.

I'm thrilled actually.  Completely & utterly thrilled.  A baby, our baby, Logan's little sibling & another little precious bundle of snuggles & personality to add to our family.  A family of four in 2011, sounds like pure heaven!

Now that we are out & everyone knows our sweet little secret & can talk about how I told Justin we were expecting again.  Like I said, it was a pretty big surprise (I affectionately call the baby Houdini for this reason) so I knew I had to tell him in a cute way because his expression would be one in a million!

There are a ton of cute things I could do but the only thing I could think of was doing something with a bun in the oven.  So I got a honeybun & stuck a little sign in it that said "Bun in the Oven" in it & had it in the oven whenever he came home.

I asked him to check on dessert for me & acted like I had to get something out of the bathroom.  I snuck around the corner peeking at him open the oven door to catch his face.  It was complete shock with the cutest "OMG are you serious?! I love you I love you I love you" attached to it.  Perfection!  It was exactly how I hoped he would react.

So it has set in that we are pregnant again.  I'm taking "bump" pictures, I'm thinking baby names, nursery decor, the whole shabang.  I may have even picked up baby Houdini a little something to wear.

It was on sale, cow print & fuzzy...who could turn it down?!  Not this mama!

Ou doctor's appointment was today.  Everything is perfect & little baby is growing right on track.  I'm 9 weeks & 1 day pregnant & due on October 23rd &hearts;  It seems like yesterday that we were doing this for Logan, the prenatal appointments, the baby splurging here and there.  Boy time flies!

Here are our bump pictures.  By our I mean Logan & I.

Me at 9 weeks {starting at 125lbs}

& Logan at 20.75 months old {starting at 24.4 lbs}

Monday, March 21, 2011

& just because I'm a big mush

I have been looking at old Logie pictures all day, I can't believe my little squishy baby is now rounding the corner of being 21 months old.  As Snooki would say, "Waaahhhhh".  Yes, I just quoted Snooki.  It goes by way too fast & I mean that.  He has grown into this little firecracker of a boy.   But then again, he always has been that way.

You can't help but love that face, right?  This was Logan at 10 months old :)

Personality I tell ya, the kids got it!  As he grows, it grows.  That is one of the few good things about him growing up so quick on us.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Candace the planner

Oh yeah, you best believe I am!

I, for whatever reason, felt this urgent need to buy Logan's Easter basket stuff now.  You know... just over a month away.  I'm a nut.  But I scored some adorable stuff & it feels SO good to have it done.

We met Kyle, Natalie & Christian in Winston to go to a couple of places.  We went to Target for the Easter stuff.  Let me break in really quick and talk about just how much I lurve Target.  Yes, I lurve it.  We go there and in the nifty dollar section they had a butt ton of Elmo AND Spiderman stuff (Logan & Christian's favorite characters)  it was destiny I tell you.

We scored some adorable stuff for the kids for easter!  I got Logan some cute little Converse shoes, Elmo stuff, a toy truck, socks, sidewalk chalk, a movie & Easter candy and snacks.  They had a lot of Easter things out but you will never believe just what they DIDN'T have.

Easter baskets & Easter eggs.

I know, absurd!  How do you have Easter candy, toys, decorations & no eggs or baskets??  So I'm not totally done with his Easter stuff, but close enough.

(excuse our mail mess behind the Easter stuff)

To extend my super planning skills I picked up Logan's quilt for his big boy bunk bed that we will be getting from my mom sometime soon.  I've been looking online to try and find something that is versatile & something he can use for years in his room no matter how many times he changes the theme.  To top it off, I really wanted a quilt, not a puffy comforter.  I finally found the perfect one at but they didn't have it in the size that we needed (a Full/Queen size).  So while we were at Target I thought I would look and see if they by chance had one there.


I swear Natalie thought I was mental because I was so excited to see a  children's quilt, lol.  I quickly snatched it up as if I had just found gold & bought it on the spot. :)  I'm so excited to turn his room into a 'big boy' room & I have a ton of plans as to how we will do that, this is the exciting start!  

I'm in love with it!

But it just means that my baby boy is growing up even more :(

Sunday, March 13, 2011

freebie alert!!

This awesome site is giving away
FREE 20 page photo books to all new customers :)

I'm making Logan's now!
Take advantage of it, they have some great quality stuff!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why yes, I am alive

Boy has life been kicking my butt lately! I somehow feel like I've been too busy to do anything blog-worthy & even when I somehow have the time to do something on here, it's so dang exhausting to figure out what to write after what all we have been up to!

{I'm just trying to sound like I'm one heck of a busy bee so I seem like less of a blog-slacker...ssshhhhh!}

But seriously, we've been busy! :)

 Spring is springing (thank freaking goodness) & that means our amount of time spent in the house is slowly being less & our amount of time spent out of the house is slowly increasing.  Can I get a WOOHOO??!!  If Logan wasn't napping right now he would concur with a "woohoo" a high five & a "yaaaayyyy mommy!" :)

Speaking of my sweet Logan, the boy is growing like a weed.  He is just too big! (not in a physical way, just in a 'I'm 20 months old & have an attitude of a teenager' way).  His vocabulary is through the roof.  Words that I don't even know he knows come out of his mouth & I stand there baffled just looking at him like, huh??  Then his cute self repeats it with force (because I'm not agreeing or doing what he is wanting) & I can't help but glow on the inside because this smart little person is MINE!  I even thought it was cute the first few times he told me "NO mommy!"

Now that it's his favorite word...not so cute.

Although his "ill" face is pretty darn cute, don't you agree?

Since my last post weekends of fun have past, a sweet holiday, a friend of mine had her little boy, one of my best friends got engaged, my baby sister wore real make-up for the first time & went on her date (with her daddy) to the dance, logan has successfully been going on his big boy potty (*insert happy mommy dance*)

We've also recently received some WONDERFUL news that I'm itching to tell but can't yet, isn't that just the biggest "Na Na Na Na Boo Boo" ever?

Knowing that you don't know something worth knowing?

So I guess in all reality I have been a busy person.

So take that blog!  I HAVE been busy! :)

Super Bowl, Shmuper Bowl...a little delayed.

Well, as much as it hurts my husband me to say...the "Sports fan" that I once was has been replaced by this "I have a million other better things to do because I'm a MOM & if I decide to sit down and watch TV it will defiantly, without a doubt not be a sports game- fan".  When Justin & I met I was a pretty big Chargers fan & would stop anything to drink a cold one and watch my boys play.  Now, I could honestly care less.

It's amazing how everything changes when you have a little person to take care of, the things that once mattered are overpowered by to-do lists & diapers.

There are a few exceptions to my 'I have better things to do than watch sports' rule.  Anything Gators, because I honestly can't get away with not watching it with a husband who would look like this if I let him on game day.  He is a huge fan.  The other is the super bowl, but usually only for the commercials & the fact that I can get together with friends and family and eat junk.  So, the super bowl it is.  Excited from my huge amount of enthusiasm?  Thought so.

I made cake pops for the first time ever to bring to moms.  They were pretty easy & yummy but not so beautiful.  My attempt to make them Packers colors ended in failure thanks to food coloring issues.  It looked more like we were ready for an Easter get together.

We went to my moms to watch the game & we honestly had a great time.  I maybe caught a whole 10 minutes of the actual game but the company couldn't have been any better & the food was YUM!  Logan had a blast.  He was running around like a mad man, playing, laughing, was heaven.

He also graced us with some awesome dance moves during the half time show, for which I have a video of but for whatever reason it won't upload :( waaah!  It's too bad, my kid has some killer dance moves!  I'm seriously people...the Black Eye Pea's were his jam that night, so for that reason , I guess the super bowl isn't that bad.