Monday, October 17, 2011

If I don't do this now, it will never happen.

yet another catch up post :)  

It has to happen before I have Eden otherwise it will never ever happen I figure.  It's going to be short & sweet, lots of pictures cramming what we have been up to the past few months.  I've been a slacky blogger, but life is busy & we've been hanging on like we're in the back cart of a wooden roller coaster (because everyone knows the front cart is overrated).

We have a little shadow in the house
Logan has become quite the little copy cat these days.  It's great until you slip up and say the occasional bad word.  My darling hubby doesn't curse, however he does have a "man's mouth" as I like to call it.  One day we were getting in the car after a shopping trip & as I'm buckling Logan in he proceeds to tell me "it's hot as balls" in the car.  Thanks Justin.  He makes up for his man mouth with cute little moments like this:

that's the cutest spatula shaving you've ever seen, right?

Big boy status
Logan had his first ever sleepover.  We were prepping him for when we are at the hospital with Eden.  He did awesome, total rockstar status!  Justin & I had a lavish night of eating at Sagebrush & renting a redbox heck of a way to spend your first baby free night in over 2 years.  We're quite obviously getting old and boring.

The furry entertainment
Our poor poor kitty cat Oliver is Logan's favorite play thing.  I'm not even sure how he still likes us, but somehow he does.  Best cat ever I tell you.
Yes, that is in fact a Scooby sticker on Oliver.  He rocks it.  & yes he is laying on a grocery bag, the cat is weird & loves them.

Showered with love & goodies
We had an amazing 2nd baby shower for Eden.  It was just gorgeous & we are so blessed to have so many people that care about us & her.
The chick is already spoiled rotten.

Thomas the train
Logan is obsessed.  Obsessed I tell you!  When we heard that Thomas the Train was going to be at the train museum in Spencer we knew that there was no way we could miss it.  I got the "holy crap are you going to birth that baby right here and now?!?!" looks, it was hot as crap but Logan had an amazing time & that's why we went.
Even Eden enjoyed her first train ride.

Bow business
I've been going crazy making bows, so I decided to open my own bow-tique shop.  I'm loving it & it's actually done quite well, which makes me feel like less of a loser for being so dang excited about it.  You can go *HERE* to check out my bows :)  Do it & buy some, we're providing for our family over here ;)

Sweet little Eden's bags are packed & ready (mine, not so much).
What her cute little self will be wearing on the way home, I'm in love.

Fair fun.
We stuffed ourselves full of fried yumminess & cotton candy at the Dixie Classic Fair.  Logan dug it.
-barf- the krispy kreme doughnut burger.  No worries, non of us got one.

"Sodder ball".
Which is soccer ball, obviously.  Logan loves soccer & the fact that his buddy Christian plays & he can take advantage of the goal time after their games is just a total perk for our Logan.

Bebe's room is ready.
Well, almost ready.  We are still needing a lamp shade, curtains, a family picture (once she arrives) & something to hang on one of her walls.  But, basically it's ready & I love it.  Like a goof, go in there everyday & just sit and smile.

& speaking of baby.
I'm due in 6 days. S-I-X.  There are two car seats in the back of our car now.
& I'm officially the size of a house, where did my feet go?!?!

So that's that.  Life is about to get much busier & my next update will be a birth story, which is pretty freaking exciting.