Sunday, April 10, 2011

When life gets in the way of blogging

Busy mama alert over here.

Sometimes you can't help but let life get in the way of other things.  Other things being blogging, as if you couldn't tell.  Logan has been equally busy as I have these past weeks.  He had some pretty awful dentist work done on the 5th (unfortunately, not the best 21 month old birthday he could have had) & was a rock star.  I, on the other hand was an emotional mess throughout the entire procedure...but I guess I expected that of myself.

We celebrated his 'I just showed those cavities whose boss' rock star status by going to the mall.  He played at the foam play ground, rode the carousel & then built his very first build-a-bear (or dog).  By the time we left the mall our little guy had totally forgotten what the dentist was all about.

So, although that's not all that we have been up's the big thing that happened.  

But instead of a dentist-y picture, I'll leave you with one heck of a cute-y picture.

This is Logan & his girlfran Raegan.

Cutest couple award anyone??